Picard Therapies

Alternative & Holistic Health Service

Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage benefits the physical, mental and subtle energy level of the body.

Indian Head Massage started from the rich tradition of inter-generational Indian Family massage and has been practiced for over a thousand years.

It was originally developed by women as a safe and effective therapy that not only promotes hair growth, but also provides relief from aches and pains.

I work with the shoulders, neck, upper back, upper arms, the scalp, face and the high energy centre in the brain. The advantages of getting an Indian Head Massage treatment are that you remain fully clothed and the treatment is done in a sitting position.

Regular head massage is wonderfully relaxing, enhancing the health of the scalp and can help the growth of hair.

Benefits of having an Indian Head Massage:

  • The head, neck and shoulders are important energy centres within your body. If you are feeling stressed or angry, tension tends to accumulate. Indian Head Massage involves working with a firm and gentle rhythm to help undo blockages and uncomfortable build-up of tension. However its effect is not just physical, but it can work on an emotional level too.
  • Deep relaxation and de-stressing
  • Relief of muscular tension
  • Toxin removal from stressed muscles
  • Improves blood circulation to head and neck area
  • Improves sleep
  • Sinus relief
  • Touch can melt away your tension


30 mins £35

Contact me if you would like to book an appointment or ask a question about the sevices on offer.