Picard Therapies

Alternative & Holistic Health Service


Reiki will cleanse the body and bring balance as it unblocks subtle energy pathways.

I will channel the life energy through my hands to the recipient via the chakra system which in turn activates the body's natural healing process.

The client lies down fully clothed on a massage table, while I will gently place my hands in certain positions just above your body, I can use Reiki symbols if necessary. The energy is then drawn into the body where it's most required.

Usui Reiki Master

The Usui system of natural healing (universal life force energy)

What is Reiki?

Rei-Ki, (pronounced Ray-Key) is a system of natural healing involving the laying-on of hands, and is probably thousands of years old. It is believed that the technique was first used by Tibetan Buddhist monks and was rediscovered in the 1800's by Mikao Usui. The Usui system of Reiki is a very simple but powerful healing technique that is easily given, and received by anyone.

The actual words 'Rei' and 'Ki' are thought to originate from 'Raku-Kei' and are from the Japanese language. Raku is the vertical energy flow, and Ki is the horizontal energy flow through the body. Raku-Kei is the art of science and self improvement used by ancient Tibetan Lamas dating back thousands of years.

In the modern interpretation, Rei-Ki is written in Japanese as:

Reiki Symbol

The five principles of Reiki

These principles were put in place by Dr. Usui, the founder of the Usui system of natural healing, shortly after he had been working with beggars on the streets of Kyoto. He had decided that he needed to give guidelines to the people he worked with in order for them to live a more fulfilled life. The guidelines constitute ways in which we can take more responsibility for our lives and, although they were written over 100 years ago, they are still relevant today.

Just for today do not worry

This principle reminds us that we must trust in the process of life. When we worry, it is often because we have become caught in the confusion of our outer experience and have become fearful of the future. Our fear leads us to attempt to control all aspects of our lives, rather than trusting in the natural abundance and security that comes from being in our natural place. When we worry we send our fears out into the world, and when the world reflects them the spiral of confusion gains momentum in our lives. Instead, try to relax and know that what is yours will come to you at the right time.

Just for today do not anger

When we feel anger it is often because we have given away our power, or failed in some way to express our needs. The outer world is a reflection, so if we find ourselves angry with someone they are often only doing us a service and showing us what needs attention in our own lives, We are, in face, angry with ourselves for failing to take the action that would have prevented the situation arising in the first place.

Honour your parents, teachers and elders

It is easy to lay the blame for all that is wrong in our lives at the door of our parents, teachers or elders. If we are able to rise up and see life from a greater perspective then we can realise that everyone in our lives is there for a reason. Those who give us the greatest lessons are those that love us the most. It is important to recognise that nothing happens by chance: you have chosen your parents and your life situation in order to experience the very difficulties you need to grow. Love them and honour them for being part of your experience.

Earn your living honestly

Through our work we express ourselves. When we receive payment for what we do we learn to respect ourselves and take responsibility for our lives. It is important that we find our place in the world and express our unique gifts.

Show gratitude to everything

Never take anything for granted. Instead, give thanks for every meal you eat, every day you live, every prayer that is answered. Life is so very precious and, as we learn to appreciate our own life, we will learn to appreciate all life.

What Reiki can do for you:

  • Treats the mind, body and spirit
  • Relieves chronic pain
  • Relieves stress and tension
  • Increases energy levels
  • Helps with feelings of bereavement
  • Relieves anxiety enabling you to focus on improving your health
  • Helps with depression

One complete treatment takes 30 mins to one hour depending on the circumstances.



  • 30 mins £35
  • 1 hour £50

Contact me if you would like to book an appointment or ask a question about the sevices on offer.